Imagine for a minute… you are curled up by a cozy fireplace in a warm, fuzzy blanket.  The room is aglow with colorful lights emitted from the Christmas tree.  Suddenly the scents of apple and cinnamon begin to fill the room.  What is that amazing smell?  Then a perfect little pastry is handed to you, and not only is the smell out of this world but it is almost too pretty to eat.  You soon decide that you would forget about how pretty it is and bite into the mouthwatering Apple Strudel recipe that was just shared with you.

Heavenly, delightful, appetizing, delectable and irresistible.  They must have slaved all day long over this dessert that is tantalizing your taste buds.  Nah!  While it looks and tastes amazing….it’s a pretty simple recipe.

Mouthwatering Apple Strudel Recipe ~

Use this link for a printable version of the Mouthwatering Apple Strudel Recipe

Step by Step Instructions ~

Step 1 ~

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Either line a baking sheet with parchment paper or spray with cooking spray.

*TIP* – You will definitely want to use a baking sheet with raised sides…otherwise, you will be very unhappy when you have to clean your oven (*voice of experience speaking to you here 🙄)

Step 2 ~

Spread Wewalka puff pastry sheet evenly out on baking sheet and set aside.

*TIP* – I have used the frozen Pepperidge Farm puff pastry sheets in the past, which are wonderful.  However, I just discovered these refrigerated Wewalka puff pastry sheets and they are so much easier since you do not have to spend time thawing them out!

Step 3 ~

Peel, core and thinly slice apples.  I use my apple peeler, corer, slicer from Pampered Chef.  I have had this tool for years and I absolutely LOVE it! LOVE LOVE LOVE this Pampered Chef Apple Peeler Corer Slicer!!!

There are different versions of the apple peeler, corer, slicer out there and I have read many reviews.  Some have the suction cup base, which seems nice if you don’t have a countertop with a ledge to attach the clamp version.  However, you need to pay attention to the reviews of the ones that don’t hold the suction very well.  Speaking from experience, I am a BIG fan of the Pampered Chef version.  I just attach it directly to my counter top and have those babies peeled in a matter of minutes!

Step 4 ~

In a large mixing bowl, combine the sliced apples, lemon juice, vanilla, brown sugar, cinnamon and flour.   Once the apples are evenly coated, spread the mixture lengthwise down the puff pastry sheet.

*TIP* – I would use a slotted spoon and not get all of the juice that you see in the above picture.  The apples will create more natural juice as they are cooking, which will still leave you with a very juicy apple strudel.  We made a second one with less of the juice and it turned out perfectly!

Step 5 ~

Next, cut one inch sections along both sides of the pastry sheet.  We found that 11 strips made a good number of sections for braiding the dough.  Start taking every other section and pull up and over the apple mixture in a braided fashion.

Step 6 ~

Whisk the egg in a small bowl until frothy.  With a pastry brush, cover the top of the mouthwatering apple strudel with the egg wash.  Then sprinkle evenly with the cinnamon sugar mixture.

Step 7 ~

Bake at 375 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes or until golden brown.

Seriously!!!  Isn’t your mouth watering right  now?  You guys, this is truly such an easy recipe that there is NO reason for not making this mouth watering Apple Strudel Recipe for your family!  Of course, it was even better when we had it last week because Karleigh and I got some good mother-daughter baking time together.  Priceless!  Add it to your list of recipes for December.  This would be a great dessert or perfect with that Christmas morning coffee!!!



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