A Grandma's spin on crafts, games, recipes & lifestyle

Mini Mint Chocolate Cheesecakes

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At this very moment I don’t know if I am more excited about these little delicious bites of heaven OR the fun new pan that I have discovered to make them in!  Eeek!  Too much fun….and the ideas are swirling in this old head!  For now, we will focus on this amazing little recipe of Mini Mint Chocolate Cheesecakes!

Not only were these the perfect little St. Patrick’s Day treat, but they would also be delightful any time of the year!  The yummy mix of chocolate graham cracker crust with minty flavored cheesecake filling topped with chocolate….WOW!   Do I have your mouth watering yet?  (Mine is, I’m thinking I’m going to need to make them again today! 😊)

Mini Mint Chocolate Cheesecakes Ingredients:

  • Non-stick Baking Spray
  • Chocolate Graham Crackers
  • Cream Cheese
  • Sugar
  • Butter
  • Egg
  • Mint Extract
  • Green Food Coloring
  • Andes Mints
  • Chocolate Syrup (or ingredients for homemade chocolate sauce included below)

Mini Cheesecake Pans:

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Let’s talk for a minute about that fun little pan I mentioned earlier.  Seriously, this is a game changer for those who love to bake!  Use this link to get your own Mini Cheesecake Pans….I guarantee you that they will quickly become one of your favorite baking items ➡️➡️Click Here to Get Your OWN Mini Cheesecake Pans

Seriously, how fun are these???  Place the discs in the bottom of each pocket before assembling, bake, cool, then pop those discs out for a perfect finish!  No more trying to dig your baked items out and cursing as you crumble one or two along the way!  What’s even better is you can use these for sweet OR savory bite size goodies!

Are These Easy to Make?

Yes, Indeed!  You basically have four steps:

  1. Make the chocolate graham crust.
  2. Blend ingredients for the minty cheesecake filling.
  3. Pop them in the oven to bake.
  4. Once cooled, top them with your favorite toppings!

I would like to take a minute to discuss fear of making cheesecake…and it turning out!  I’ve been involved in many discussions over the years where everyone talks about the “fear” of the springform pan….me included!  While that dreaded springform pan really isn’t as bad as it seems, let me reassure you that this mini cheesecake pan is incredibly easy!

Tips on Making and Forming Crust:

It is very easy and mess-free to use a large zip lock baggie when making the crust.  Place your graham crackers in the bag, seal, then use rolling pin to obtain a crumbly consistency.  *This is a very good job to let the kiddos hep with!

When forming crust in the cheesecake cups, I like to use a pastry tamper.  I got mine from Pampered Chef years ago (another one of my all time favorite tools), but you can also get them at most stores or on Amazon.  A lot of my kitchen gadgets, baking stones, cookware, bakeware and small appliances are from Pampered Chef…they are such good quality!  Check out Rose Berg’s Pampered Chef page for all the latest fun items!

Pastry Tamper      

I also use a pastry brush to help brush the crumbs back into the cups, as you will certainly find you get some crumbs on the top of the cheesecake pan as you are forming your crusts…and you don’t want to be a messy cook! 😉

Topping Ideas:

    • Andes mints (these just look super cute and classy!)
    • Thin mint cookies (who doesn’t have an extra box of Girl Scout cookies in their freezer?)
    • Oreo mint cookies
    • Chocolate syrup
    • Chocolate Sauce …  I have used Lemon Tree Dwelling recipe and love it…Check out this AMAZING homemade chocolate sauce by Lemon Tree Dwelling…yum!
    • Chocolate sprinkles
    • Chocolate chips
    • Cookie crumbles
    • Mint sprigs (oooh…fancy!)
    • Easter is around the corner….try Hershey’s Egg Shaped White Chocolate Baking Chips 
    • (I included the link above to Amazon for easy access, but I find a lot of fun baking products at WalMart…so be sure to check them out!  They usually carry pastel colored baking chips which would be fun!
    • M & M’s (holiday colored or plain)

Basically, the options are endless for how you can top off these mini mint chocolate cheesecakes…just be creative and have fun!

I promise you the WOW factor of this little recipe far outweighs the work you have to put into making them.  I guarantee you that your guests will be coming back for seconds…or maybe even thirds!

Added Bonus:

How often are you looking for a recipe that you can make ahead and pull out when the guests are on their way?  Well, here is that recipe you have been looking for!  Keep these babies in the refrigerator and place on your serving platter.  Top them with your favorite toppings just a bit before your company arrives!  No last minute mess or fuss!

I look forward to hearing your thoughts!  Happy Baking!


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  1. Liv

    These look so cute and tasty! I need to give this a recipe a go

    • Shelly Latinovich

      They really are a perfect combination of yummy while also making a good presentation. Let me know how you like them when you make this awesome recipe!

  2. Jenna Geiger

    Omg Shelly you just made my day! Mint chocolate and cheesecake are two of my favorite things. I can’t wait to give this recipe a try. Thank you for this! 😍

    • Shelly Latinovich

      Yay Jenna! I am so happy to hear that! I couldn’t agree more…mint chocolate and cheesecake are a great pair! Hope you love it as much as we do!

  3. Stephanie Grillo

    Another great activity/recipe to do with the kids! You always have the best ideas.

    • Shelly Latinovich

      Thanks Stephanie! I hope you give this recipe a try…let me know what you think!

  4. Titra

    I have to get me a pan like that, that’s amazing and helpful. These look delicious! Love mint chocolate chip

    • Shelly Latinovich

      I absolutely LOVE this pan! It is very fun indeed….lots of creations in the kitchen!

  5. delishbymich

    Such a cute and yummy idea! My mom loves mint chocolate!

    • Shelly Latinovich

      Thank you! I hope you try this recipe for your mom sometime soon…I am sure she will love the mint chocolate cheesecakes as much as we do! Enjoy!

  6. Kevin Foodie

    I could eat a dozen of these mini cheesecakes. They look delicious. The mini muffin cheesecake tins are unique. Thank you for sharing.

    • Shelly Latinovich

      Kevin, yes! It would indeed be easy to eat a dozen of these mini mint chocolate cheesecakes…they are THAT good! I hope you try them soon!

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